10 Toxic Things Parents Say to Their Children: Some Toxic Statements You Should Avoid

Htens Reviews
7 min readNov 4, 2022

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In this article, we will be looking at 10 toxic things parents say to their children and some toxic statements you should avoid.

Being a parent takes a lot of time and effort. Your responsibility and obligations for your children never end once you become a parent. Parenting can be difficult and draining, and it can bring out the best and the worst in you. How effective a parent you will be is entirely up to you.

There is no denying the inherent purity of interactions between parents and children. Your relationship with your parents will never end, no matter how old you get, and you will always be able to learn something from them. However, life might be difficult if your parents are toxic.

Parents who are toxic assault their children verbally and emotionally. They behave in a way that makes their kids feel guilty, frightened, or under duty. They place high expectations and unreasonable demands on their kids.

Common toxic parenting behaviors include criticizing their child, expressing self-wishes, lamenting the challenges of parenting, drawing unfavorable analogies, and using harmful language.

Regardless of the circumstances, you need to have a good relationship with your kids. Regardless of your relationship with your partner, or if you are a single parent, divorced parent, or have a solid relationship with them, you should have a healthy relationship with your children.

The value of having positive relationships with your children

These are a few advantages of a positive parent-child connection.

  • Your children are also capable of preserving healthy interpersonal relationships.
  • It encourages children to be more self-assured and upbeat.
  • Children desire to establish wholesome ties with both people and animals.
  • For children to develop emotionally and mentally, there must be a strong bond between parents and kids.
  • Enhances a child’s social and academic abilities.

If you’re a parent, you know how words can come out of your lips without thinking. When things get too much to handle, you often say harsh things to your kids, even if you don’t really mean them to. You might not even be aware of how cruel your remarks are at times. However, what you tell your children might have an effect on their development and psychological health. You should be aware of which words in your vocabulary are poisonous and which you should never say to your children for this reason.

10 Toxic Things Parents Say to Their Children

Check out this youngster. He or she is far superior than you

Some parents frequently make comparisons between one child and another. The issue with this remark is that it fosters a culture of dread among children regarding achievement.

They start comparing themselves to other kids when they don’t feel like they are performing at a high level and get discouraged when they aren’t.

When you compare your child to someone else’s, you are implying that they are not good enough as they are because nobody is equal to everyone else.

Offensive remarks on one’s appearance

“You’re overweight, tiny, or too thin.” “You have dreadful hair,” A child’s levels of insecurity and body concerns may rise if they are subjected to verbal or physical abuse because of their looks.

Parents should put more emphasis on their children’s inner beauty and educate them to appreciate themselves regardless of their shape or color.

“You’ll succeed if you put in the necessary effort.” If not, there’s a good chance you won’t even get there

Do you think young children desire to hear their parents talk ill of the future? Sure, why not? A child will be upset and disheartened if they put a lot of effort into something and don’t succeed.

The phrase “You’re doing a good job at this” might be a better way to praise the child’s work. Work well done; continue. You have my respect.

Questionable statements about deeds

Why are you acting so oddly, for instance, or why are you walking that way? “Do you move or talk like that?” and “Do you chew like that?” Children frequently take their parents’ words at face value. These types of sarcastic statements or queries can give the impression that something is wrong with the child. The child finds it very challenging to be authentic among others, even as an adult. They could then become imprisoned in their discomfort and dread that people would make fun of them or point out the flaws that their abusive parents have created for them.

If you don’t act properly, I’ll leave.

Right now, this expression might be effective, and when you use it, your child may become calmer. However, in the long run, they will live in constant worry of waking up one day to find their parents gone. They’ll think they’re such horrible people that their parents had to flee, and they’ll think you don’t even care about them.

Giving the impression that the kid is a burden or a problem

“You fatigue me,” “You spend too much money,” “It’s so difficult to take care of you.” The youngster feels like a burden when a parent says this to them. They’ll unwittingly conceal their needs, emotions, and issues in an effort to please the upset parent.

Making egotistical wishes

I wished you had never been born. “I’m sad to have you, but I wish I had an abortion.” “I wish you were somebody else.” Such statements should never be made by parents to their children. Comments like these can diminish self-confidence, trigger depression before it has fully developed, and cause self-harm because they make the youngster feel as though they shouldn’t be alive and shouldn’t be in the world. Parents should instead instill a sense of value and affection in their children.

Lamenting the difficulties of parenting

One way to get kids to do what you want is to constantly remind them how hard you work to pay for their things or to suggest that they would listen better if they truly loved you.

However, it also implies that they’ll be simple prey for friends who want to try to copy their work or lovers who want to engage in illicit activity while employing similar guilt-tripping techniques. They could also grow up to repeat the practice as adults and use guilt as a tool to hurt their loved ones.

Lack of emotional availability

Children require your presence more than gifts, despite the cliche. Parents who are constantly glued to their phones or who are too busy and distracted to provide emotional support for their children are not encouraging their emotional growth. When they become adults, children who grew up with emotionally distant parents may find it difficult to form fulfilling relationships.

Promises that aren’t kept

“I’ll take you there next time” or “If you do this, I’ll buy you that.”

Make no promises you believe you won’t be able to keep. The youngster would feel deeply hurt and betrayed. Giving a youngster a false promise is a great approach to teach them not to trust people and to demonstrate the importance of keeping one’s word. It is appropriate to respect this ethical issue. The trust between parents and children can be seriously eroded by empty promises.

Some Toxic Statements you should avoid

You eat so much, why? Have you recently taken a self-weight?

  • I had a waist of 21 inches when I was your age.
  • If you shed some pounds, you might seem attractive.
  • You are so big, so thin, or so short.
  • I’ll give you something to cry over if you don’t stop crying.
  • You are such a letdown.
  • Nothing you try to accomplish is correct.
  • You have no value.
  • You will never be loved.
  • You are really stupid.
  • Nothing you say is true in my opinion.
  • I’m done acting as though I love you.
  • You won’t be worth anything.
  • In life, you are not due anything.
  • It’s incredible how much better your brother is at this than you are, isn’t it?
  • Look at how much better off your best friend is than you.
  • No wife will ever compare to your brother’s.
  • I regret having kids.
  • I would prefer you never existed.
  • The biggest error of my life was choosing you.
  • I regret not placing you for adoption.
  • My marriage was ruined by you.
  • You are to blame for my suffering.
  • Without you, life would have been much simpler.
  • I sacrificed my goals for you.
  • We only have to deal with you as a burden.
  • Your mother’s death was due to your fault.
  • You are the root of all of this family’s issues.
  • You destroyed the family.
  • I gave my life to save you.
  • I evicted your father, and I can evict you as well.


Childhood is the foundational stage in the development of a person’s personality, behaviors, and emotions. It is extremely delicate and necessitates a great deal of care, love, and affection in order to raise a healthy human being.

Parents should be aware that they must listen carefully to everything they say. This is a serious issue, on par with physical abuse.

So, what are your thoughts on this subject? Have you been an excellent parent? Please leave a comment and feel free to share this post with others.

Originally published at www.htensreviews.com on November 4th, 2022.



Htens Reviews

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