Are You in a ‘Situationship’? Signs You Are in a ‘Situationship’ and How to Deal with It

Htens Reviews
6 min readNov 1, 2022


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In this article we will be looking at the question, "Are you in a "Situation"?" The signs you are in a ‘Situationship’ and how to deal with it.

What Is A ‘Situationship‘

Basically, a situationship is a vague romantic connection. In a situationship, unlike a friendship with benefits arrangement, feelings may be present. But the conditions and intended outcome are not clear.

A situationship is typically thought of as a romantic or sexual connection. It is not formal or established in more conventional terms. Let’s say it was more than a chance meeting and less than a romantic connection. In a “situation,” sentiments and connections may still exist for one or both partners. They may never develop or increase in significance, and if they do for just one partner, there may be problems.

In the ideal scenario, both parties are content with the arrangement. They are satisfied in a way that satisfies their current demands. If you need to alter, it can be necessary to be honest or to take some space apart.

Every time you are linked to another person, even when you are in a committed relationship, you each bring your own concerns, ideas, and objectives for your love life to the discussion. You also have your own goals in mind when it comes to a partnership.

It’s not precisely a toxic relationship. In fact, situational relationships can be quite good. They just lack clear boundaries, making it difficult to know where you stand in the other person’s life.

You’re neither single nor partnered up in a situationship; instead, you’re in a limbo of sorts between the two.

Knowing the symptoms of a situational relationship can help you identify one as soon as possible. You can avoid putting too much emotion into the relationship by being aware of your status as a situationship.

Signs You’re In a ‘Situationship’

You haven’t clarified the connection.

It might be difficult to know exactly where you stand with someone in the era of casual sex and hookup culture. When a relationship doesn’t follow the traditional courting, dating, emotional intimacy, and physical intimacy calendar, it can be challenging to gauge your partner’s feelings for you as a couple.

The “what are we” dialogue is a simple approach to determine your relationship to one another, but it can be challenging to discern whether this type of conversation is appropriate. If you ask too soon, you run the danger of coming off as overly eager and turning them off. Have the conversation too late and arrive at a completely different conclusion than they did.

You might be in a situationship rather than a relationship if you haven’t defined the relationship(dtr) yet and you’ve been seeing this individual for some time.

Avoid discussing the future.

In a relationship, couples typically make some sort of future plans together. Plans need not be long term, but they must incorporate some form of time period in the future, whether it be something to anticipate in a few weeks, months, or even a year from now.

Future conversation topics could include getting to know the family, attending an event together, or even planning future moves or pet purchases. Your partner doesn’t envision a long-term future with you if there is no discussion of the future at all. This lack of dedication is an indication that your relationship is precarious.

Another indication that you are in a situational relationship is if you try to bring up the future with your current spouse and they sidestep the subject or give evasive answers.

You and the other person are not on the same page.

This is the important conversation that usually comes before a definite relationship. You might be in a situational relationship if you haven’t had the “defining the relationship” chat. If you did have the chat but came away with more questions than answers, that is also cause for concern.

Maybe you both wanted to define the relationship, but instead you just chose to take it slow or decided not to give it a name just yet. In either case, there is no clear definition of the relationship, which characterises it as a classic situational relationship.

They Do Not Include You In Their Social Circle

It is just the two of you while you are with them. You are practically single to your acquaintances and unknown to their friends and family. Both of you lack a date for significant occasions like engagement or marriage, and you might even be seeing other people besides the people with whom you are now living. Sometimes, it’s natural for one of you to want more. Breaking up this relationship can be the wisest course of action if that is not the case for both parties.

You Can’t Wait to Hear From Them

When you don’t have regular phone calls, text messages, or dates, the irregularity can eventually wear on you and make you feel anxious. Additionally, boredom might result from simply hanging out at each other’s homes without any romantic overtones. If you are experiencing these emotions, it may be an indication that your relationship isn’t progressing in the direction of something more important.

Because situational relationships are so ambiguous, they frequently make people anxious. After all, it can be very challenging to feel comfortable with someone if you are unsure of your position.

If you don’t typically experience anxiety but your relationship with another person is making you feel uneasy, you might be in a situational relationship.

Situationship Warning Signs

Several situational warning signs include;

  • Both you and your partner do not want to meet each other’s families or friends.
  • The DTR conversation is absolutely avoided by your companion.
  • You learn that your partner is involved in romantic and sexual connections with other people through friends, social media, or even in person.
  • You feel like a booty call since there are last-minute plans, it seems like your relationship is focused solely on sex and convenience, and there are no clear goals in sight.
  • Your spouse makes it clear that they don’t want to be in a committed relationship.

Changing a situational relationship into a romantic one

People frequently prefer situational relationships in order to avoid the stress of a committed relationship or simply because they are unsure of how they feel about their partner.

Consideration must be given before upgrading a situationship to a relationship. It’s time for you to sit down and have the DTR discussion if you find yourself developing feelings for your spouse. Even if it is very likely that one of you is far more in touch with their emotions than the other, in which case the only choice is to end the relationship,

People frequently find delight in commitment while transitioning from a situational relationship to one. Have an open discussion with your spouse and give them some time to process what you say.

Although you can feel worried or even afraid of losing what you have, you must remember that you are entitled to whatever it is that you really want.

Be honest about your desires if you want more. We may ignore our own wants in order to fulfils those of others or perhaps because we believe they might alter. Life is not a storybook, thus it’s acceptable to think on how to leave a situation if your wishes are not granted. In the end, it’s up to you!

If you now know that your wants are different, you should leave the relationship before it becomes poisonous. You can drop a text, end the call, or have a face-to-face conversation with them. Due to any unresolved emotions you may be holding onto, recovering from a situational relationship may take some time.

It’s important to know how to end a situational relationship, especially if you were the one who desired more.


Situationships can work sometimes, especially if you want something light. But it’s crucial that everyone is on the same page. It could be time to start a DTR dialogue if you are starting to get frustrated. Unless you inquire, you won’t know.

Now, what are your thoughts on this subject? Please feel free to leave a remark and express your viewpoint.

Originally published at on October 31, 2022.



Htens Reviews

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