Dating more than one person at a time: 7 Rules To Follow When Dating Multiple People

Htens Reviews
6 min readNov 23, 2022


In this article, we will be looking at dating more than one person at a time and the seven rules to follow when dating multiple people.

The goal of dating is to have fun and learn more about your date’s emotional and physical safety. Find out everything you can about this person to determine if you two are compatible for a committed relationship.

Many people lack the knowledge on how to date in a healthy way. You should never put yourself in a vulnerable situation before you are sure of who you are with.

It’s not unusual to feel attracted to several people at once. However, it won’t just have an impact on you if you act on those feelings. Make sure that everyone involved is aware of and OK with your desire to date more than one individual.

If you have affections for more than one person, dating many people or entering into a different kind of relationship sounds like a terrific option. But there are significant factors to take into account, such as reviewing what matters in a relationship and how to handle jealousy. The most crucial thing is to be upfront and truthful with the parties concerned.

Don’t assume that someone you’re dating will be comfortable with you dating someone else at the same time if you haven’t discussed the terms of engagement. For everyone concerned, hiding what you’re doing or not knowing whether it’s okay with your spouse is a formula for emotional d

7 Rules to Follow When Dating Multiple People

Consider your motivations for wanting to date several people.

Consider your motives before dating numerous people at the same time.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to pursue relationships with multiple people if you have a strong interest in them all. Additionally, there is nothing wrong with merely wanting to have a good time.

However, you shouldn’t do anything because everyone else is doing it. Make sure you’re dating multiple individuals because you truly want to if you do so. Avoid doing it because someone else is doing it or because you want to avoid making a commitment to any of them because of past hurts.

There are many good reasons to avoid getting involved in a committed relationship, such as the desire for an open relationship or the search for the right person with whom you can build a future. All of this is acceptable, but it must be accepted by all parties.

Dating more than one person at a time: Be truthful to everyone.

You can be confident that the individuals you’re dating don’t need the specifics, but they do need to know the truth. Therefore, don’t keep your various relationships a secret. Inform everyone up front that you are still observing what is happening in the world.

It is simply wrong to let someone think you are exclusive when you are not. Don’t allow them to believe that. Be honest about your various relationships.

Although having this subject on a first date can be awkward, the sooner you bring it up in conversation, the better.

Along with being truthful about your objective, You should let them know if you’re seeking for an open relationship or to find someone with whom you’ll be committed.

The purpose of the dating process should be understood by everyone you are seeing. To prevent unnecessary suffering for everyone, discuss your relationship goals and be honest about your plans.

Keep everyone’s privacy in mind.

Even though everyone you’re dating deserves to know the truth, they don’t want to hear too much about one another. Therefore, being honest with them doesn’t include telling them everything about a previous date you went on while you were out with someone else.

Even if they are completely without any jealousy whatsoever, nobody likes to learn about their date’s prior relationships. You don’t owe anyone any more information as long as you’ve been honest about what you’re looking for and made it apparent that you’re seeing other people.

Even if they become inquisitive enough to inquire, they actually don’t want to know. So be sure to keep everyone’s secrets and respect everyone’s privacy.

Dating more than one person at a time: Acknowledge their decisions.

While some will strive to defend you, some people won’t be happy with that. Some might admit to having other romantic relationships or just act casually.

Don’t forget that your dates’ relationship objectives may not be the same as yours, so be ready for any reactions. It could be that you want an open relationship while they don’t want to commit, or vice versa.

When it comes to their romantic lives, everyone is free to pursue whatever they choose. You must respect their decisions if they have different goals than yours. Getting engaged with someone who is seeking something serious when you are not is just asking for trouble because there are plenty of people of both genders who are looking for something casual.

Dating more than one person at a time: Recognise when to stop.

You are probably dating several people concurrently with the intention of settling down with one of them, and you can’t date forever anyhow.

Establishing a certain amount of dates is the greatest approach to ensure that you quit on time. You might decide to go on three or five dates before the conversation, for instance. You should have enough time to decide who you want to be with and, more significantly, who you don’t.

It is definitely advised to do that as soon as possible because spending more time together frequently results in stronger feelings for one another. Never keep somebody waiting. Recognize when you should intervene or let them go.

Do not make them wait endlessly for your decision, and respect their feelings enough to withdraw if necessary. You can’t get involved with everyone you date unless you and the person you’re seeing agree to an open relationship, so know when to make a decision and break up with the person you don’t want to be with.

Remind the person with whom you’ve decided not to pursue a relationship further that you were honest from the beginning when you sat them down. Things cannot work out between you if you are not in agreement.

Don’t use sex to further complicate matters.

Dating doesn’t always include engaging in any kind of sexual activity. In reality, we frequently presume that people date in order to introduce sex after they are a couple.

However, you might have had sex with one or more of your dating partners. This makes things difficult, perplexing, and occasionally even hazardous.

While there is nothing wrong with sleeping with someone you are still simply dating, things might get complicated if they are not the only person you are seeing.

It’s easier said than done to keep sex and feelings separate, and those feelings frequently involve jealousy. Before engaging in sexual or romantic activity, or even both, it is essential to choose just one partner to avoid the possibility of someone becoming wounded.

Even if you do sleep with the individuals you’re dating, use caution and try to be open about it so that no one’s feelings are hurt.

Do not manipulate anyone’s feelings.

There will undoubtedly be some sentiments, to speak of. Even when we don’t want it to happen, falling in love with the person we’re dating is the whole point of dating.

If sentiments are strong, dating more than one person might become challenging. Someone might begin feeling something for you, and these feelings frequently include jealousy.

Therefore, if someone you’re dating expresses romantic interest in you, it would be wise to end your relationship with them unless you plan to return the sentiment.

Do not manipulate anyone’s feelings. Prior to deciding whether or not to continue, set a limit on the number of dates you’ll attend.

Additionally, always be honest about your search criteria. It’s preferable to go your separate ways if your goals are different.


Dating multiple individuals at once can be difficult and complicated, so having a support system( family or friends) at your side will be beneficial. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have anything to say about this subject. Additionally, if you’re new here, I urge you to sign up for the platform and follow my page for more such updates.

Originally published at on November 21th, 2022.



Htens Reviews

I’m Francis, an expert copywriter with years of experience in writing content. I am available to create SEO-friendly blog posts, website content, and much more